How To Boost Your Natural Creativity

Mimimoo Drawing in Sketchbook

I love drawing.

It’s gentle and soothing and slow. Yet my sketchbooks collect dust and my pencils go unused because I just ‘never get around to it’.

Until recently.

Recently I’ve rekindled my natural creativity and fallen in love with drawing all over again and I want to help you do the same for your artistic hobby, so here are a few tips that can give your creativity a little kick up the bum.

Sketchbook with illustrations

Be inspired

Surround yourself with inspiration to help kickstart your own ideas. For all of my creative hobbies (and I have a lot) I use Pinterest to browse for inspiration, but you might enjoy being inspired by nature, by things around the house or by your local library. Hold on to that inspiration for when you sit down to be creative so that you aren’t stuck for ideas or left staring at a blank page.

Allow yourself the time

We’ve all said to ourselves ‘I just don’t have the time’, and sometimes it’s true. But more often we just don’t allow ourselves the time to make hobbies a priority. If you enjoy drawing or baking and know you feel good when you do it, make it a priority in your day or in your week and treat it like anything else we make time for. Tell your loved ones that you need some alone time for it, or encourage them to join in!

Sketchbook with pencils and tea

Be kind to yourself

Being kind about your own creativity will help build positive habits and make it easier for you to practise your artistic hobbies. Try and remove expectations that you have on yourself for everything you create to be fantastic, and focus instead on it being creative or a fun exploration. We’re all learning, no matter what stage you’re at, so it’s ok to make things that aren’t very good!

Make it easy

Is your sketchbook stashed away in a craft box somewhere? If you have the space, bring it out and keep it somewhere that you’ll see it often so that you’re prompted to use it when you have a spare twenty minutes to draw. Put your favourite recipe book on a stand in the kitchen to remind yourself to allow time for baking if that’s what floats your creativity boat. Make it so easy for yourself to practise your creative hobby that it’d be silly not to.

Keep Learning

Following tutorials and being curious about your creative hobby will help bring you confidence and foster a positive relationship with the art that you create. There are so many great resources out there for learning and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny. Plus you don’t even have to think of any ideas, just find a tutorial style or course that you like and follow along! You’re never so good at something that you can’t keep learning.

I hope that these tips help you boost your natural creativity and re-spark your love for whatever artistic interests you have. If you’re someone like me who finds it really soothing to let loose with some coloured pencils, then you have so much to gain by encouraging yourself to be creative.

Let me know what ways you use to boost your creativity, and join me on Instragram to follow my own creative journey!


Follow me on Instagram for drawings Monday through Friday

Mimi Purnell

Hello, I’m Mimi, and I’m a digital illustrator helping other creatives follow their dreams of becoming an artist.


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